4 thoughts on ““Do you like rock? —I prefer marble.””

  1. That was strange.
    A Barbarian, an albino, a mosquito, my libido! Whoohoo!
    (Are those really Cobain’s lyrics?)
    Actually, these are: A mulatto, an albino A mosquito, my libido.
    So, English to Latin converted mulatto to barbarian… That’s not very nice.
    Been like, three years since your last confession, I mean blog post. What have you to say for yourself? That is, Welcome Back, Martina!

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    1. Haha, I think that barbarian may have been a generic term for a non-Roman. Now, Google tells me the m word is offensive! That I didn’t know 😦 I will aim to make my confessions more frequent than once in three years!

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